About the Exhibition
Showborough has hosted an Affordable Garden Art Exhibition since 2008. It is a non-profit venture that aims to make garden sculpture as accessible and affordable as possible to visitors, and to offer an opportunity to exhibit to artists of all backgrounds.The format of the exhibition has been largely unchanged but the number of artists and visitors have increased over the years. The generosity of visitors has enabled us to donate to various charities each year, including Perennial and the Royal British Legion.
A lovely lady said one year that she bought her sculpture because it would give her great pleasure. Many other people have said something similar and that is the best reason to buy art. Failing that, it is the best reason to wander round the garden and browse the sculptures.
Glynis or Kim will answer any questions about plants. Andrew and sometimes one of the sculptors will always be available to talk about the art.

Glynis designed the 1.5 acre garden in 2002 to provide a variety of settings for garden art. It is in a traditional English style on a domestic scale with interconnecting rooms. Glynis includes as many of her favourite plants as are happy in the sandy loam and mild climate here. Over the years she has been helped by some wonderful volunteer and trainee ladies: Helen, Liz, Luci, Sophie, Judy, Kim and Sue.

Many of our artists come regularly but every year there are newcomers. Some sculptors have well-established careers and exhibit all over the country, while others are starting their careers or making their art for the love of it. There are glass items small enough for window boxes, larger metal pieces to command an open space, and everything in between. Every piece is for sale.

The gallery displays paintings, prints and cards by local artists, including the display's curator Araminta Fogden.
There are also books published here by Showborough Books: two original, thought-provoking and humorous novels by Glyn K Green; a volume of her short stories; and a self-help book by local therapist Rebecca Lowrie. Glyn's Jung for Kittens is also an audiobook.